The following are the elected/appointed 2023 Florida Sheriff's Explorers Association State Board Members:
President - Andrea Gijon, Hendry
State Advisor - Sgt Zachary Scelfo, Hendry
Southern VP - Jonathan Martin, Palm Beach 111
Northern VP - Mitchell Maddox, Nassau
East Panhandle VP - Dennis Scott, Leon
West Central VP - Anais Zambraux, Sarasota
East Central VP - Jayden Beiter, St Lucie
Secretary - Emma Rivera, Palm Beach 611
Treasurer - Jeremiah Mesadieu, Palm Beach 111
Parliamentarian - Travis Callum, Duval
Chaplain - Kevin Paulk, St Lucie
Historian - Brooke Sell, St Lucie
Congratulations 2023 FSEA State Board!
Visit the bottom of the website Homepage to meet all of them.
